Steam Workshop Astw2 Arctic S Simple Thirdperson Weapons 2 0. Go to the developer console by hitting ~ (or the key above Tab) and type the following codes for the desired effect. Yoni0505 On Twitter Gmod Third Person View V2 With E2 Http T. This will allow you to open the cheating console. To begin you must first go to the 'Options' on your game menu and select the 'Keyboard' tab, then select 'Advanced.', Finaly you check off the 'Enable Developer Console (~)' and select 'Ok' and select 'Apply' on your 'Options' menu. simplethirdpersonmaxdistance - Sets the max distance the player can go (0 disabled) simplethirdpersonmaxpitch - Sets the max pitch the player can go (0 disabled) simplethirdpersonmaxright - Sets the max right the player can go (0 disabled) simplethirdpersonmaxyaw - Sets the max yaw the player can go (0 disabled) simplethirdpersonmaxup - Sets the min up the player can go (0.